Woo Hoo! One year old today

9 May

One year ago I sat down at this computer desk, at a very similar looking but different computer and tapped out my first blog post.  Drawn Outdoors the blog was born!

I’m just a little bit proud of the achievements I have made in the last twelve months, they’re only relatively small in the bigger scheme of things, but most have been significant first steps into previously untested waters for me.  A bit of faith, a bit of inspiration and a lot of hard work, and I am well and truly on my way.  If I could have predicted the future, I would have thought that this blog would have started out like a burst of Sydney New Years Eve fireworks, and then kind of faded away in the haze of smoke that was left in its wake.  I wasn’t sure that I would still have things to blog about, how I would find inspiration and ideas, and even if anyone would read what I was writing.

Fortunately I was wrong.  My daily page views are steadily increasing each month, and I seem to be enjoying blogging more with each post that I write, this is my 88th post, so by the end of May I will be well and truly into triple digits.  I am constantly amazed that my most read post has had over 1,000 views, and that it was this one

What have I achieved, what happened this year and where to from here?? Is it time to make a new blogging year to do list, re-write some aims and objectives and set the bar just a little bit higher? Hell yeah!  It’s time to dream bigger, better and in every colour of the rainbow!

Drawn Outdoors’ first year saw births, deaths and marriages.  We had hospital stays and holidays, and an incredibly huge amount of rain!  At least the weather is my prevailing excuse for the lack of activity on the Drawn Outdoors courtyard.  Drawn Outdoors has attracted a few clients, I’ve dusted off the drawing board and designed some fabulous gardens, though still not ours!  As I said, baby steps, but at least when I prepare my tax return this year I’ll be able to show a very modest income!  Significantly I graduated from the Bizness Babes program, and blogged about it here.  Without these wonderful women and fantastic program I don’t think I would have had the nerve to start down this road.

As for the rainbow coloured dreams, as the Daredevil will be heading off for a day or two of childcare soon I’ll suddenly be presented with the luxury of time.  Time that will be used to grow my business, improve my blog and take the next step and start to develop my website.  With the extra time I’ll be able to start to market Drawn Outdoors and find clients rather than waiting for potential clients to find me.  And maybe, just maybe I’ll actually finish my business plan, rather than continually “improving” it!

I know that this year I’ll be taking bigger steps, confident strides, and there is a possibility you might even see some running and jumping, though dancing might be more my style.  Bigger things are in store, better things down the track.

Happy birthday Drawn Outdoors!  Thank you for reading, I hope I have informed and entertained.  At the very least I hope I have made you smile, think and feel inspired.  I hope you’re really starting to feel drawn outdoors!


11 Responses to “Woo Hoo! One year old today”

  1. Emily May 9, 2012 at 11:32 pm #

    Congratulations on your first year of blogging! I am just starting out with my blog. I really enjoy it and hope I can keep it going.

    • drawnoutdoors May 10, 2012 at 8:11 am #

      Thanks Emily! I’m sure you’ll keep your blog going, it’s too good to stop! I’m just thinking about how to reply to your latest post, I’ve been in a very similar position.

  2. Bec Munro May 10, 2012 at 12:35 am #

    Congratuations on your first year & successes Sam! I look forward to reading what comes next….

  3. PJ Girl May 10, 2012 at 4:53 am #

    Happy birthday Drawn Outdoors… I wish you lots of luck and happiness in the next phase of your business x

    • drawnoutdoors May 10, 2012 at 7:55 am #

      Thanks! I think the best part about blogging is discovering fantastic people across the world with similar interests. Hopefully our broccoli grows well together on opposite sides of the globe!

  4. Megan May 10, 2012 at 7:03 am #

    Happy Birthday Drawn Outdoors! Congratulations and thank you for all the inspiration, ideas and laughs along the way! Can’t wait to see what the next 12 months will bring!!

    • drawnoutdoors May 10, 2012 at 7:49 am #

      Thanks! I’m looking in my crystal ball and maybe there’ll be a brand new garden for a great old friend!!!

  5. Elissa May 10, 2012 at 9:12 am #

    Great work sam, all the best for the next year! Millie likes your blog as well….she tries to smell the flowers!

  6. Jason Traylor May 19, 2012 at 12:25 pm #

    Congrats on the one year anniversary!!! I am a new follower now!!

    • drawnoutdoors May 20, 2012 at 9:14 pm #

      Welcome to Drawn Outdoors! So glad you came over to visit, I loved your blog so much, but still have to work out how to follow it – I have it bookmarked and check back pretty regularly. Great to find people telling similar stories around the world.

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